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android [2010/03/31 13:23] – old revision restored percy | android [2019/04/29 14:09] (current) – percy |
| -[[android:fridump|Fridump]] |
| -[[android:keystore|Android Keystore]] |
| -[[android:apk-backup|APK backup]] |
| -[[android:intelij-license|Intelij License]] |
| -[[android:vysor|Vysor]] |
| -[[android:kotlin|Kotlin]] |
| -[[android:dynatrace|dynatrace]] |
| -[[android:Freeline|Android Freeline]] |
| -[[android:captive-server|Android Captive Server]] |
| -[[android:tensor-flow|TensorFlow]] |
| -[[android:hotfix|Android HotFix]] |
| -[[android:android-private-lib-center|Android private lib center(jfrog)]] |
| -[[android:android-studio-tips|Android Studio Tips]] |
| -[[android:jrebel|JRebel for Android]] |
| -[[android:tvbox-install-app|How to install App via adb to TvBox]] |
| -[[android:update-java-version-mac|Update the Java runtime version on Mac OS X]] |
| -[[android:adb-backup-restore|adb backup/restore]] |
| -[[android:study-course-online|Study Online]] |
| -[[android:android-mirror-tools|Android Mirror Tools]] |
| -[[android:reactive-programming|ReactiveX Programming]] |
| -[[android:mobiledeeplinking|]] |
| -[[android:android-methods-count|Android Methods Count exceed 65K]] |
| -[[android:android-mirrors|Android Mirrors]] |
| - Android tool for mac |
| - LeakCanary: Detect all memory leaks! |
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| -[[android:round-image|Android Round corner drawable]] |
| -[[android:android-sdk-update|Android SDK Update]] |
| -[[android:screenrecord|Android Screenrecord]] |
| -[[android:jacoco|Android Jacoco]] |
| -[[android:jenkins|Jenkins]] |
| -[[android:android_take_screenshot|Android Take Screenshot with command]] |
| -[[android:android_test|Android Test]] |
| -[[android:usb_reverse_tethering|USB Reverse Tethering]] |
| -[[android:gradle|Android Gradle]] |
| -[[android:eclipse-autocomplete|Eclipse Autocomplete]] |
| -[[android:LocalBroadcastManager|LocalBroadcastManager]] |
| -[[android:intent-service|IntentService]] |
| -[[android:monkey-script|Android monkey 自动测试 script]] |
| -[[android:java-reflection|Android Java Reflection]] |
| -[[android:security|Android Security]] |
| -[[android:animation|Android Animation]] |
| -[[android:export-lib-resouce|Android导出时R.XX的问题]] |
| -[[android:tcpdump|Android tdpcump]] |
| -[[android:mac-adb|Mac下连接adb]] |
| -[[android:monkey|Android Monkey测试]] |
| -[[android:android-x86|AndroidX86教程]] |
| -[[android:ant-build-issues|Ant引入第三方lib遇到的问题 ]] |
| -[[android:debug-certificate-expired|Debug certificate expired ]] |
| -[[android:sqlite-read-write-quick|sqlite批量快速读写]] |
| -[[android:milestone2-enable-hotspot|Milestone2启动Hotspot问题]] |
| -[[android:enter-recovery-mode|如何进入刷机模式]] |
| -[[android:adbrun|在Andriod运行可执行文件bat]] |
| -[[android:gdb-debug|Android上gdb调试C程序]] |
| -[[android:one-command-push-music|一句往sdcard上push音乐文件的命令]] |
| -[[android:Android上安装启用OpenVPN脚本]] |
| -[[android:g1使用openvpn]] |
| -[[android:Android生成的临时文件目录]] |
| -[[android:speedandroidcompile|如何加快Android单模块编译]] |
| -[[android:delvpnroutetable|删除Android上OpenVPN路由表]] |
| -[[android:autoinstallapks|自动批量安装APK脚本]] |
| -[[android:android-sdk-download-url|Android SDK下载地址]] |
| -[[android:repo-sync|利用repo下载Android源码]] |
| -[[android:enable-log|在C文件中打开LOG]] |
| -[[android:android-build-system|Android编译系统]] |
| -[[android:tabhost|TabHost结构图]] |
| -[[android:how-to-aidl|使用aidl]] |
| -[[android:memory-collector|手动回收内存]] |
| -[[android:build-with-ant|使用Ant编译Android工程]] |
| -[[android:mem-leak|Android内存泄露]] |
| -[[android:file-reader-writer|文件读写操作]] |
| -[[android:settime-to-start-service|定时启动Service]] |
| -[[android:repo-sync|Android repo sync脚本]] |
| -[[android:compile-cm-for-dream|编译cyanogenmod for G1]] |
| -[[android:keychars-for-movistar|替换Movistar键盘映射文件]] |
| -[[android:enable-swap|如何启用sdcard上的swap分区]] |
| -[[android:fastboot|使用fastboot刷image]] |
| -[[android:android-proxy-setting|Android代理设置]] |
| -[[android:android-jni|Android JNI相关]] |
| -[[android:android-mk|Android.mk文件]] |
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| 搜集到的一些资源地址: |
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| -Android2.2 API 中文文档系列: |
| -Java JNI 官方文档: |