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android:ant-build-issues [2011/07/28 10:32] – created percyandroid:ant-build-issues [2011/07/28 10:39] percy
Line 13: Line 13:
 重新安装,运行正常。 重新安装,运行正常。
 +====== 附build.xml ======
 +<file xml build_windows.xml>
 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
 +<!-- WARNING: Eclipse auto-generated file.
 +Any modifications will be overwritten.
 +To include a user specific buildfile here, simply create one in the same
 +directory with the processing instruction <?eclipse.ant.import?>
 +as the first entry and export the buildfile again. -->
 +<project basedir="." default="debug" name="IShare">
 + <!-- Manual: 
 + this file(build.xml) can be used to either Windows or Linux, as you wish.
 + Generation:
 + the defualt target is "debug", so if you type the "ant" in commandline , it will result the same
 + as "ant debug", and the steps will be :clean -> dirs -> resource-src -> compile -> dex ->package-res-and-assets -> debug
 + for details, see the dependencies among the target!
 + Now it's scripted in the linux template, actually ,it's mainly the same with the situation in windows,
 + the only defference is ,the "TOOLS_DX", "TOOLS_AAPT","TOOLS_APKBUILDER",
 + in Android android-sdk-linux, the corresponding tools are  "dx" "aapt" "apkbuilder"
 + while in android-sdk-linux, the corresponding tools are "dx.bat" "aapt.exe" "apkbuilder.bat".
 + if you wanna adapt the file to your java project ,the only thing you need to do is to change 
 + the following 6 properties,
 + <property name="Adbase" ........................./>      the Android SDK path
 + <property name="Androidjar" ...................../>      the path of android.jar
 + <property name="Javacpath" ...................../> the path of javac compiler
 + <property name="TOOLS_DX" ....................../>       the path of dx tools
 + <property name="TOOLS_AAPT ....................../> the path of aapt tools
 + <property name="TOOLS_APKBUILDER ................./> the path of apkbuilder tools                 -->
 + <property name="Adbase" value="D:\android\sdk\android-sdk-all"/>
 + <property name="Androidjar" value="${Adbase}\platforms\android-8\android.jar" />
 + <property name="Javacpath"  value="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\javac.exe" />
 + <property name="TOOLS_DX"  value="${Adbase}\platforms\android-8\tools\dx.bat"/>
 + <property name="TOOLS_AIDL" value="${Adbase}\platforms\android-8\tools\aidl.exe"/>
 + <property name="TOOLS_AAPT" value="${Adbase}\platforms\android-8\tools\aapt.exe"/>
 + <property name="TOOLS_APKBUILDER" value="${Adbase}\tools\apkbuilder.bat"/>
 + <property name="TOOLS_ZIPALIGN" value="${Adbase}\tools\zipalign.exe"/>
 + <property name="NDK" value="c:\mytools\ndk_bat.bat"/>
 + <property name="external-libs" value="libs" />
 + <condition property="external-libs-ospath"
 + value="${basedir}\${external-libs}"
 + else="${basedir}/${external-libs}" >
 + <os family="windows"/>
 + </condition>
 + <path id="lib_classpath">
 + <pathelement location="bin"/>
 + <pathelement location="${Androidjar}"/>
 + <!--pathelement location="${basedir}\jar\httpmime-4.1.1.jar"/>
 + <pathelement location="${basedir}\jar\signpost-commonshttp4-"/>
 + <pathelement location="${basedir}\jar\signpost-core-"/>
 + <pathelement location="${basedir}\jar\Analytics-Android-SDK-2.1.jar2"/-->
 +        <fileset dir="${basedir}\jar">
 +            <include name="*.jar"/>
 +        </fileset>  
 + </path>
 + <target name="clean">
 + <delete dir="bin"/>
 + </target>
 + <target name="dirs">  
 + <echo>===By East===Creating output directories if needed...</echo>
 + <mkdir dir="bin" />  
 + <mkdir dir="bin/classes" />  
 + </target> 
 + <target name="ndk">  
 + <echo>===By East===ndk-build...</echo>
 + <exec executable="${NDK}" failonerror="true">  
 + </exec>  
 + </target> 
 + <target name="aidl" >  
 + <echo>===By East===Compiling the aidl to java classes</echo>
 + <echo> ${android-framework} </echo>
 + <apply executable="${TOOLS_AIDL}" failonerror="true">
 + <arg value="-I${basedir}/src" />
 + <fileset dir="src">
 + <include name="**/*.aidl"/>
 + </fileset>
 + </apply>
 + </target> 
 + <target name="compile" depends="clean,dirs,resource-src,aidl">  
 + <echo>===By East===Compiling the java code via ${Javacpath}...</echo>
 + <echo> *********** ${srcdir} </echo>
 + <javac  executable="${Javacpath}" fork="true"
 + debug="false" extdirs="" srcdir="${basedir}/src" destdir="${basedir}/bin/classes">
 + <classpath refid="lib_classpath"/>    
 + </javac>  
 + </target> 
 + <target name="dex" depends="compile">  
 + <echo>===By East===Converting compiled files and external libraries into ${outdir}/${dex-file}...</echo>  
 + <exec executable="${TOOLS_DX}" failonerror="true">  
 + <arg value="--dex" />  
 + <arg value="--output=${basedir}/bin/classes.dex" />  
 +            <arg path="${basedir}/bin/classes" />
 +            <!--MUST ADD THIS,OTHERWISE IT WILL OCCUR class not found error, add by pjq -->
 +            <arg path="${basedir}/jar/" />
 + </exec>  
 + </target>  
 + <target name="resource-src" depends="dirs">  
 + <echo>===By East===Generating / from the resources...</echo>  
 + <exec executable="${TOOLS_AAPT}" failonerror="true">  
 + <arg value="package" />  
 + <arg value="-m" />  
 + <arg value="-J" />  
 + <arg value="src" />  
 + <arg value="-M" />  
 + <arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" />  
 + <arg value="-S" />  
 + <arg value="res" />  
 + <arg value="-I" />  
 + <arg value="${Androidjar}" />  
 + </exec>  
 + </target>  
 + <target name="package-res-and-assets">  
 + <echo>Packaging resources and assets...</echo>  
 + <exec executable="${TOOLS_AAPT}" failonerror="true">  
 + <arg value="package" />  
 + <arg value="-f" />  
 + <arg value="-M" />  
 + <arg value="AndroidManifest.xml" />  
 + <arg value="-S" />  
 + <arg value="res" />
 + <arg value="-A" />
 + <arg value="assets" /> 
 + <arg value="-I" />  
 + <arg value="${Androidjar}" />  
 + <arg value="-F" />  
 + <arg value="bin/${}.ap_" />  
 + </exec>  
 + </target>  
 + <target name="apk" depends="clean, dex,dirs,package-res-and-assets">  
 + <echo>===By East===Packaging ${out-debug-package}, and signing it with a debug key...</echo>  
 + <echo>"${external-libs-ospath}"</echo>  
 + <exec executable="${TOOLS_APKBUILDER}" failonerror="true">  
 + <arg value="${basedir}/bin/${}_temp.apk" />  
 + <arg value="-z" />  
 + <arg value="${basedir}/bin/${}.ap_" />  
 + <arg value="-f" />  
 + <arg value="${basedir}/bin/classes.dex" /> 
 + <arg value="-rf" />  
 + <arg value="${basedir}/src" />
 + <arg value="-nf" />
 + <arg value="${external-libs-ospath}" />
 + </exec>  
 + </target>  
 + <target name="debug" depends="apk" >  
 + <echo>===By East===begin to Check the 4 byte problem...</echo>  
 + <exec executable="${TOOLS_ZIPALIGN}" failonerror="true">  
 + <arg value="-v" />  
 + <arg value="4" />  
 + <arg value="bin/${}_temp.apk" />  
 + <arg value="bin/${}.apk" />  
 + </exec>  
 + </target>  
/var/www/dokuwiki/wiki/data/pages/android/ant-build-issues.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/05 13:07 by