====== Tomcat Config ====== ===== Config port 80===== When we need change the port, most of the time, it just need edit server.xml
But when I want to change it to 80, the tomcat can't start successfully. The tomcat doesn't support the port lower than 1024, so it need do some special work vim /etc/default/tomcat6 AUTHBIND=yes But this also not work on my vps, maybe the memory is not enough. So the last solution is redirect to request on port 80 to 8080 sudo /sbin/iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 Horray, then it works. refer to:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4756039/how-to-change-the-port-of-tomcat-from-8080-to-80 ===== Config directory ===== /var/lib/tomcat7/ /etc/tomcat7/ ===== user config =====