update note:
#!/bin/sh #Your Android.mk Maybe need to add INSTALL_DIR and MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES. #Now it just support parse these variables: # INSTALL_DIR =>Where you want to install the static library. # MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES =>Some dependent static libraries,with the full path or relative path. #NOTICE: #1.This shell just support parse MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES like this: # MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES = ../libafc.a # MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES = ../libutf8.a #2.If you need to run this shell,you must cd to the RIGHT directory #You MUST see ./${ANDROID_MK},then this shell will run,otherwise it will exit. #Author:pengjianqing@gmail.com #Date:20101126 START_AT=`date` INSTALL_DIR="INSTALL_DIR" MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES="MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES" ANDROID_MK="jni/Android.mk" CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR="libs/armeabi" #help() #{ # cat <<HELP # ndk-build -h # #HELP # exit 0 #} printTime(){ echo "Start at ${START_AT}" echo "Finish at `date`" } prepareStaticLibraries(){ echo "##################################################" echo "Prepare the static libraries" #LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES=`grep LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES ${ANDROID_MK}|grep -v ^#|cut -d "=" -f2|tail -n 1` #echo LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES=$LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES HOST_OS=`uname -s` BIN_ARMEABI="obj/local/armeabi/" echo "HOST_OS=${HOST_OS}" #Check the OS,I find Linux and Cygwin has the different directory. if [ "${HOST_OS}" = "Linux" ];then BIN_ARMEABI="obj/local/armeabi/" #elif [ "${HOST_OS}" = "CYGWIN*|*_NT-*" ];then else BIN_ARMEABI="bin/ndk/local/armeabi/" fi mkdir -p ${BIN_ARMEABI} STATIC_LIBRARIES=`grep ${MY_STATIC_LIBRARIES} ${ANDROID_MK}|grep -v ^#|cut -d "=" -f2|sed 's/ //g'` for i in ${STATIC_LIBRARIES} do #echo STATIC_LIBRARIES=$i cd jni echo "cp ${i} ../${BIN_ARMEABI}" cp ${i} ../${BIN_ARMEABI} cd .. done echo "##################################################" } installLibraries(){ echo "##################################################" echo "Install the Built Libraries." FILE_A=`grep LOCAL_MODULE ${ANDROID_MK} |grep -v ^#|cut -d "=" -f2|tail -n 1|sed 's/ //g'|sed 's/^/lib/g'|sed 's/$/.a/g'` FILE_SO=`grep LOCAL_MODULE ${ANDROID_MK} |grep -v ^#|cut -d "=" -f2|tail -n 1|sed 's/ //g'|sed 's/^/lib/g'|sed 's/$/.so/g'` #echo FILE=${FILE} DIR=`grep ${INSTALL_DIR} ${ANDROID_MK}|grep -v ^#|cut -d "=" -f2|tail -n 1|sed 's/ //g'` #echo DIR=${DIR} if ! [ -n ${DIR} ] || [ "${DIR}" = "" ] ;then #echo "return" echo "Do not set INSTALL_DIR in the Android.mk,so just exit." echo "##################################################" return fi if [ -f "${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_A}" ];then echo "${FILE_A} exist,copy it to ${DIR}" echo "cd jni" cd jni echo "cp ../${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_A} ${DIR}" cp ../${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_A} ${DIR} cd .. elif [ -f "${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_SO}" ];then echo "${FILE_SO} exist,copy it to ${DIR}" echo "cd jni" cd jni echo "cp ../${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_SO} ${DIR}" cp ../${CREATED_LIBRARIES_DIR}/${FILE_SO} ${DIR} cd .. else echo "${FILE_A} or ${FILE_SO} doesn't exist,MAYBE BUILD FAILED!" fi echo "##################################################" } clean(){ if [ "$1" = "clean" ];then echo "ndk-build clean" ndk-build clean #echo "rm bin libs obj -rf" rm bin libs obj -rf exit 0 fi } check_env(){ echo "##################################################" echo "Start to check the environment..." NDK_BUILD=`which ndk-build` echo NDK_BUILD=${NDK_BUILD} if [ "${NDK_BUILD}" = "" ];then echo "Can't find ndk-build,Have you added the ndk-build path to PATH?" echo "Please run \"which ndk-build\" to check the it" exit 0 else echo "Find ndk-build successfully,continue..." HOST_OS=`uname -s` echo "HOST_OS=${HOST_OS}" echo "PATH=${PATH}" if [ "${HOST_OS}" = "Linux" ];then echo "" else #In Windows,the make maybe occur conflicts with othe make tool,so set the PATH here. export PATH=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin:`dirname ${NDK_BUILD}` #echo "PATH=${PATH}" fi fi if [ ! -f ${ANDROID_MK} ];then echo "./${ANDROID_MK} doesn't exist,Please check the project directory." exit 0 fi #Append "include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/install-binary.mk" to build-static-library.mk #Add this to support build static library. TO_BE_APPEND="include \$(BUILD_SYSTEM)/install-binary.mk" build_static_library_mk="`dirname ${NDK_BUILD}`/build/core/build-static-library.mk" #echo build_static_library_mk=$build_static_library_mk if [ ! -f ${build_static_library_mk} ];then echo "Can't find build-static-library.mk,maybe can't create the static library." else TMP=`grep "${TO_BE_APPEND}" ${build_static_library_mk}|grep -v ^#` if [ "${TMP}" = "" ];then echo "echo ${TO_BE_APPEND} >>${build_static_library_mk}" echo ${TO_BE_APPEND} >>${build_static_library_mk} fi fi echo "Check the environment...SUCCESS" } #if it is ndk-build -h,just print the help and exit. echo ${1} #A=`grep "^-" "${1}"` if [ "${1}" = "-h" ];then ndk-build ${1} exit 0 fi #Check the environment. check_env #check whether it is ndk-build clean,and exit. clean $1 #Prepare the Needed StaticLibraries if need. prepareStaticLibraries n="${#}" #echo parameters number = ${n} case $# in 0) ndk-build;; 1) ndk-build ${1};; 2) ndk-build ${1} ${2};; 3) ndk-build ${1} ${2} ${3};; *) break;; esac #Install the built library. installLibraries #Print the start time and finish time. printTime