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Gentoo on MacBook Pro(MD318, 15inch, late 2011)

Cheers, finally I made it, the Gentoo back to work on my MacBook Pro.

I have spent several days to make the Gentoo back, because previous it works, but after one update whatever, it can't start the X.

The biggest problems I met is

  1. Hard Disk IO bug, the M4 SSD need upgrade the firmware
  2. The init system has changed from OpenRC to Systemd.
  3. Can't start X(startx, Xorg -configure, X -configure, aticonfig –initial) doesn't work

So you can image how difficult it is to fix all the problems, because

  1. The MacBook Pro doesn't support the usb bootable device
  2. I don't have DVD ROM, because I have replaced it with one Hard Disk.
  3. Sometimes the keyboard doesn't work for X and kernel problems.
  4. I don't aware the difference between OpenRC and Systemd

Upgrade the M4 SSD firmware

  1. Download the firmware from the official website
  2. Get the BOOT2880.IMG from the iso file
  3. Download the riEFI file
  4. Mount the EFI and get the SYSLINUX
  5. cp -a SYSLINUX /boot/
  6. cp BOOT2880.IMG /boot/SYSLINUX
  7. Boot to the grub and press “c” to do the manual boot

	root (hd0,3)
	kernel /boot/SYSLINUX/ubnkern
	initrd /boot/SYSLINUX/BOOT2880.IMG

/var/www/dokuwiki/wiki/data/attic/linux/gentoo-upgrade-mbp.1422767927.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/05 13:06 (external edit)